It's all about SECURITY

Open Question: Modify Account

I was trying to implement one scenario for POC and saw some weird behavior of OIM 11g R2. 

Two entitlements are provisioned to a user. Request for one entitlement is pending with approver/administrator.

Now I was trying to raise request for Modify Account and I can see 3 entitlements in my Request Form.

How can someone raise a modify request for an entitlement which is still pending with Approver/Administrator for Provisioning ?

What will happen to the request which is still pending with Approver/Administrator in case if we delete that entitlement as part of Modify Account ?

Here are the screenshots, OIM  allowed me to raise a modify request for the entitlement which was not provisioned to that user.  :-)


Data is coming from Application Instance Form not from Process Form. Ideally it should come from Process Form i.e. Entitlements which are actually Provisioned to that user not the one which are still waiting for approval.

Another Form Issue