It's all about SECURITY

Some Sample Questions

 Some More Sample Questions:
  • What happens to existing requests when approver leaves the company of gets terminated? What are the possible solutions (except escalation process) to provide better experience to end users?
  • How can we trigger Java code between two stages of a Human Task?
  • What configuration is needed if we need to send 5 reminders in an approval workflow?
  • How can we send First Reminder on 3rd Day, 2nd Reminder on 8th Day and 3rd Reminder on 21st Day from the Request Creation Date?
  • How can we implement RBACK? What components are required for RBACK?
  • One role is configured to give access to two entitlements into two different applications (one entitlement in each application). We need to notify Requester and Beneficiary in a single email once the entitlements are provisioned successfully. Email must include basic request details -  Request Login, Role Name, Role Description etc.
  • There's a requirement to integrate IAM/OIM with a cloud application which requires internet connectivity. What design approach should we follow to complete this integration?
  • One role provided access to THREE different applications. There's a requirement to send a consolidated email to the beneficiary omce accounts are created in all the three applications, what would be the possible design options?
  • In RBAC, request gets completed once the role is assigned but account(s) is/are provisioned through the OOTB schedule job. If there's some error while provisioning the application(s), request status remains same i.e. "Request Completed" which creates lots of confusion for end users. How can we make this process better?
  • What is ICF Framework & How it works?
  • What are the benefits of Connector Server?