It's all about SECURITY

Duplicate Entitlement On Rename

We have an OOTB job which creates/manages entitlements in ENT table. There's major issue associated with this job.

Job Description: 
It reads the data from Lookup which is there on the child form of Resource Object and "Entitlement" property is set as "True".

Issue Details:
Whenever we rename some entry in that lookup (child form lookup with "Entitlement" property set as "True") then "Entitlement List" job creates another entry in ENT table.

Expected Result: 
It should rename the existing entitlement.

Actual Result:
It creates another Entitlement with new name.

I found that there's no api published by Oracle to modify/rename the existing entitlement. There's one api "modfiyEntitlementlist" which is published by Oracle but it does different thing. Here's the description about the api from Oracle docs:

API Description:
Soft Deletes entitlement list row from entitlement list table by marking valid as 0 in the list of entitlements.