It's all about SECURITY

DEMO: OIM - OPAM- OUD Integration

Got a request for OIM-OPAM Integration so uploaded a small video for the demo which shows how integration works between OIM-OPAM-OUD.

Details about the demo:

Must Have Criteria (*):
  1. User must exists in Oracle Unified Directory (OUD)
  2. User must be part of Employee group of Oracle Unified Directory (OUD)
OIM will be used for creating the account in OUD and assigning the Employee group in OUD.

I have used a user called "MMORGAN" who didn't exist in OUD before. I created his account and he was able to login to OPAM console but he was not able to see any service accounts for check-out operation; so I assigned Employee group in OUD and he is able to see service account "OUDAdmin" under "My Accounts" tab of OPAM.

I have used ICF connector to integrate OIM with OUD.

Demo: Click Here

ODSM Configuration with Oracle Unified Directory (OUD)

Oracle Directory Service Manager (ODSM) - Oracle Unified Directory (OUD)

Go to /oracle_common/common/bin and run config.cmd/sh

Access URL : http://AdminHost:AdminPort/odsm

OIM 11g R2 PS2: Modify User Operation with Request Generation

Here's the sample code for modifying a user with request generation. In this code example, I am submitting a request for modifying a custom user attribute (employeeStatus) and setting the value as "loa".

public void submitModifyUserRequest(OIMService oimService){
        String userKey = "101";
        RequestData requestData = new RequestData();
        List attrs = new ArrayList();
        RequestEntityAttribute attr = new RequestEntityAttribute("employeeStatus", "loa", TYPE.String );
        requestData.setJustification("Required Justification");
        RequestEntity requestEntity = new RequestEntity();
        List entities = new ArrayList();
        try {
            OperationResult result = oimService.doOperation(requestData, OIMService.Intent.REQUEST);
            System.out.println("Result :: " + result.getOperationStatus());
            System.out.println("Request ID :: " + result.getRequestID());
        } catch (OIMServiceException e) {

OIM 11g R2 PS2: UI Customization Basic - Demo

OOTB user interface doesn't fulfill all the business needs so we do UI Customization in the product. OIM 11g R2 is based on ADF MVC Framework. 

Did some basic customization for some PoC, here's the link to video. It's not a tutorial video but learned few new things about OIM APIs and will be sharing soon on this blog:

Click Here - Demo Video