Concurrent Approval (2 level Approval)
It is the basic requirement of any client that request should be approved by one user/group then it should be approved by second user/group also. Request will be considered Approved only after both the APPROVALs.
Solution > I am taking example of TWO concurrent Approval. You can extend the same as per your requirement.
1. Go to Design Console > Process Definition
2. Give name of Process Definition say Resource Approval, select your object name from the list and type should be ‘Approval’ and Save
3. Add one task say “First Level Approval”. It should be Non Conditional and required for completion.
4. You’ll be able to see two responses ‘Approve’ and ‘Reject’ under Responses tab. You can ignore UNKNOWN
5. Go to Assignment tab and select user in the User tab. If you want to assign to group then Select Group Name but if you select Group name then Type should be Group there. By Default it is user and user is XELSYSADM. Save it
6. Add one more task “Second Level Approval”. It should be Non Conditional and required for Completion. Now follow step 4 and 5 for this task.
7. Save and Close
8. You are done.